Thursday, February 25, 2010

We The People Bio - Corey Warren

I grew up in a family that is quite politically active and where talks on politics and American history are quite common. Life was good and I enjoyed talking with my dad about current events. Then came the day that would change my life forever, I was just about to go in high school as a sophomore and tragedy struck my family and my dad had a horrible accident, and a week later he died of complications. My world around me came crashing down, life seemed to stop and all motivations of life seemed less likely to happen. I went on through high school basically costing and finding that most teachers cared but just not that much, the biggest potential they saw in me was getting an A. Then came along history 1700 with a teacher that would change my life forever, The amazing teacher, Mr. Rigby said that I would be a good match for the We the People program and I could do well with it. Then he found I knew some of the kids in the program in the year before me. Those students believed in me and here I am a senior in high school with a new determination for life and a new found love of politics that I feel my dad would be proud of. Granted life is still hard without my dad but the hole that was left from his death has been partially filled by people I have met in We the People that can see my potential and the growing love I have for America and the Constitution. I now am part of a Unit that is from a large diverse background. One of the members in my group I tolerated, and then we got stuck in Unit 2 together. Well now we're best of friends. My group as well as the class enjoy talking to each other and support each other in what we do. Take for instance I was in the Sky View Musical production of Oklahoma. Well among my family that came my family from my unit as well as from the whole We the People team. In this program you learn to work, and work hard, but you also learn to work with people you might not even know or like. Basically We the People became my wake up call to go and DO the things I want. I can work hard and get the reward I want and have fun as well as getting to know people in the process. Now I don't know what I want to do with my life , but the plan right know is I would like to teach, not only because of Mr. Rigby and his influence on me but also because my dad taught school, and I want to influence lives of children like my dad Richard Warren, and Mr. Rigby did for me.

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